June 18, 2015

Tunde Adebola


I am interested in the ecological outcomes resulting from the combination of environmental processes and human activities in aquatic ecosystems – marine, estuarine and lacustrine environments.

My goal was to understand large scale spatio-temporal ecological outcomes in these human impacted aquatic ecosystems.

In order to accomplish this goal, I used modeling techniques/tools such as ecosystem fisheries management model (Ecopath with Ecosim software) to evaluate aquatic food-webs and their ecological status.

Geographically, my area of interest were the coastal systems of W. Africa and the lacustrine system of Lake Chad – a lake that shrunk by ~ 90% of its historical size since the last 4 decades.

I developed an ecosystem model for Nigerian coastal waters with the aim of  understanding this system and proffering scientific solutions that will alleviate anthropogenic impacts on commercial living resources such as shrimp and fish.


Adebola, T. and K. de Mutsert. 2019. Spatial simulation of redistribution of fishing effort in Nigerian coastal waters using Ecospace. Ecosphere 10(3): 1-16. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.2623.

Adebola, T., Mutsert, K. de, 2019. Investigating Fishing Impacts in Nigerian Coastal Waters Using Marine Trophic Index Analyses. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 11, 287–294. https://doi.org/10.1002/mcf2.10077

Adebola, T. and K. de Mutsert. 2019. Comparative network analyses for Nigerian coastal waters using two Ecopath models developed for the years 1985 and 2000. Fisheries Research 213: 33-41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2018.12.028